Our Story

The story begins when I felt the desire to pick up my drawing pen again on 29 September 2019. I haven’t drawn for more than 10 years and almost forgot this was one of my favourite hobby since small.

On that day, I asked God, what shall I draw?

There was this strong desire in me to draw but I didn’t know what to draw. Then I felt the impression of an apple tree and recalled the romantic verse from Song of Songs 2:3 in the Bible.

Song of Songs 2:3

My beloved is to me the most fragrant apple tree— he stands above the sons of men. 

Sitting under his grace-shadow, I blossom in his shade, enjoying the sweet taste of his pleasant, delicious fruit, resting with delight where his glory never fades.

So I drew an apple tree. It was my first time to draw without a sketch and went with the flow. In the end, I even decorated with fallen apples all over.

Sometimes later, I bought a book written by Sarah Jubilee. Sarah was 12 years old when God called her, and she writes books that recorded what Yeshua (Jesus) said. To my great surprise, I saw the same apple tree on the cover of her book! 

I thought the apple tree that I drew was only my imagination. But no! This means the apple tree that I felt was the same one that Sarah saw in the invisible Heavenly realm! This tree is real, not only my imagination!

Ever since then, I started to draw more and felt my work can become a medium to reflect what’s in the unseen spiritual realm to the visible physical world. My desire is to display the nature and love of our Creator, YHWH, through art. My desire is to use art to connect people with the unconditional love of the Creator God.

And so, two years later in 2021, I began this brand, ‘i agape’.

‘agape’ means unconditional and sacrificial love. The origin of this selfless love is God.

'i' simply means oneself or an individual.

When they are put together 'i agape', it means 'I stand in the unconditional love of God' and symbolize a covenant love.

Everything begins with the story of love, and may this love touches your heart through colours.

- Bonnie